Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Map update

Auckland to Raglan
Raglan to Whangarei,175.8545366+to:Moresby+St+to:Old+Te+Aroha+Rd+to:Pukuatua+St+to:State+Hwy%2FSH+30+to:Harbour+Rd+to:Te+Araroa+Rd%2FState+Highway+35+to:-37.685586,178.54301+to:Waiapu+Rd%2FState+Highway+35+to:Awapuni+Rd%2FState+Highway+35+to:Ormond+Drive+to:Lake+Rd%2FState+Highway+38+to:Georges+Drive%2FState+Highway+2&hl=en&ll=-37.544577,175.935059&spn=8.985792,19.797363&sll=-39.522052,176.98288&sspn=0.545558,1.238708&geocode=FYryzP0dDiNrCg%3BFfJayf0d3IN2Cg%3BFbBx0_0d_TF0Cg%3BFZL7zf0dPwx5Cg%3BFaFmyP0dyFN7CinZENSz23VybTGhV-EGYe8AEw%3BFaf9xP0dPkp5Cg%3BFSDNv_0dwUd7Cg%3BFRYUuv0dYFSBCg%3BFSblvP0dzUCMCg%3BFX9uvP0dCHaOCg%3BFQhJwv0dDp6gCg%3BFa72wP0dolmkCg%3BFc-Rtv0dGIygCg%3BFY33sf0dfTecCg%3BFRrGq_0dyBeaCg%3BFXG8sP0d-jePCg%3BFfBEpf0dO12LCg&t=h&mra=mi&mrsp=16&sz=10&via=4&z=6

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Question of the day

Why do they tie horses / goats / sheeps 2 meters from the road in NZ?
 They barely have enough food and can't move too much or risk to be rammed by a car.

Raglan and Auckland

Not so many news since the Tongariro.
I drove to Raglan but it was rainy and foggy for 2 days, so my opinion is completely biased because I slept and watched TV shows for the most part.
Afterwards, I went back for 3 nights in Auckland in a nice backpackers on Ponsonby Street with free unlimited wifi!
I stopped there before going north to see a friend I had not seen for the past 15 years. Never thought it would go this fast.
Today, I went with him and his girlfriend to Piha then we had wine tasting near Kumeu. We finished the day to a gannet's colony in Muriwai.
I ended in Orowa to spend the night before continuing north tomorrow morning.

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Monday, 17 December 2012

Pro Tips: for Tongariro Alpine Crossing

1st: sneakers, don’t wear them moron. Any argument for wearing them is invalid on a track like that. Especially if you have shrimpy white legs.

2nd: poles, if you are not a mountain goat, which I am sure you are not,  try to use them if possible or you might cry for your life during the track. Poles do not make you look like a pussy.

3rd: time, do not leave if all the nice weather is already gone for the day. 1.30 pm departure for a 6 hours track is also self explanatory...

4th: dress code, casual smart is not mandatory you little piece of shit. Lose the jean and / or little jacket you use to hook up girls in bars.

5th: bag, seriously, can you not carry your own stuff. Where are your water / coat / food? Do not be a retard, man up and do not let someone do your work.

Question of the day

Why do birds cross the roads (literally walking) instead of flying and get squashed by cars?

Sunday, 16 December 2012

The Tongariro Alpine Crossing

"Easy" track today.
6 hous 37 min walking
peak: 1 936m
total ascend: 1 087m

No words for it, here are the pictures:

all pictures here: